About Us
Pro-Motive was formed by Darren Grasby and Philip Jennings in 2006 from a mutual interest in minis, motor sport, fabrication and engineering.
Darren has been a keen auto grass racer for over 15 years and has built all of his race cars from class 1 Minis to class 7 Fiat 126's achieving many wins at local and national events. His love for auto grass racing has always kept him involved with the latest engineering ideas quite a few of which he has designed himself. He pioneered the first proven front wheel drive bike engined mini installation that involves no body modification.
Philip has been involved with Land Rover off road racing and built vehicles to compete in. He has also designed and fabricated kit car chassis powered by a Kawasaki ZX9 motorbike engine.
Both Darren and Philip are qualified engineers and have been working in vehicle engineering for over 25 years.